Some Trials on Natural honey
The term "adulterated honey" refers to honey in which glucose, dextrose, molasses, corn syrup, sugar syrup, inverted sugar, flour, starch, or other similar products that do not flower nectar collected, processed, and stored in bee hives have been added. Laws and requirements for food products, including pure honey, and assessments of honey adulteration vary widely internationally, and some may not meet the needs of every global consumer.
For some, it can be almost impossible to distinguish bad
honey from good honey when picking it up in the store, simply by looking at the
honey content in the bottle or by analyzing food and nutrition labels. Everyone
knows that the label "natural honey" in no way guarantees that
the honey has not been diluted with water and additionally sweetened with corn
syrup, but only promises that it contains real natural honey, without
specifying its quantity.
The law does not currently require that labels of "pure
honey" indicate how many tons of natural honey is contained in a
bottle. some honey producers in supermarkets do not provide any lists of
ingredients, and this is enough to make me suspicious about the exclusivity of
the honey. In addition, the price is usually not a prominent indicator of the
exclusivity of honey. In the case of food fraud, producers may also mix
different honey blends and advertise them as more expensive honey, including
Manuka honey. And what is called "local honey" is not ecological honey
of domestic production and processing, but low-grade honey that is imported
from different countries of the world, but bottled and sold locally
A common misconception is that granulated or crystallized
honey is a sign of sugar water falsification. The fact is that natural honey
is a rich sugar reaction and can granulate regardless of whether it is
adulterated or not, so crystallization is common, especially in temperate
regions. In addition, honey from some flower sources is mainly responsible for
crystallization, so buying honey is one way to ensure yourself a premium
product. However, in order to increase honey production, some irresponsible
beekeepers feed sugar syrup to the bees so that the bees convert the syrup into
"honey". The bees produce fake honey that is very clear and watery
like syrup.
Some sites say that ants now don't like smooth honey and
won't hover around it. I don't fully understand this and don't think there is
any reason why ants choose processed sugar over honey. I also wonder how to
invite ants to decide on honey (does "ant-free" mean natural honey?).
The reason why sweet liquids are more attractive to ants than others may also
be related to the density of the liquid, and we understand that the viscosity
of natural honey varies depending on the type of flower. Every other
test that is often mentioned on the Internet is the flame test, which involves
dipping a cotton bulb into honey in the form of a flame. The honey will burn if
it is far from pure. I try out this technique, usually using branded honey
varieties, some of which I'm pretty sure are natural honey (such as honeycomb
honey), but the results I get have proven to be erratic and seem to depend a
lot on how well the honey has infiltrated and how long the honey is exposed to
the flame.
There is another simple way I tried to test the purity of
honey: watch the liquid honey flow into a glass of water. Natural honey
does not dissolve in water instantly; it can be said that it takes some effort
to dissolve the lumps, just as sugar tends to dissolve into dirt without any
problems when it is dropped into water. However, the end result of the
experiments is now sometimes not so obvious, because the different forms of
honey have a certain viscosity, some thicker and denser than others, and the
creamy form of tea honey, although adulterated with miles of other substances,
does not dissolve as easily as liquid honey in water.
However, since there are too many varieties and blends of
flowers, and not enough adulteration to affect the taste and aroma of honey,
despite the fact that I consume honey frequently, I am still not 100% sure of
my suspicions from time to time.
So, it is difficult to be absolutely sure about the
authenticity of honey unless you can conduct scientific laboratory tests such
as spectroscopy at home,
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