Benefits of Sidr honey
It is particularly useful as a sugar substitute or sugar replacer in home baking, cooking, and canning recipes. It is a very useful sugar substitute that can be easily adjusted when home canning fruits and pickles.
Many beekeepers harvest sidr honey so well that even
though they consume, sell or even give away most of the honey, they still have
honey left over to use for a variety of purposes.
Buying non-prescription medicines for coughs, colds, and flu
is often a waste of money. A much more effective home remedy is warm water with
raw honey and fresh lemon juice.
Many elite athletes swear by the use of honey and water to
restore strength and improve performance. "They do their best not to drink
chemical sports drinks, which temporarily improve performance, although not as
much as honey. This is because honey releases its energy-boosting compounds
slowly and effectively over a long period of time.
Honey is not only used to flavor food and drinks; it is also
a source of nutrients and an ancient medicine that modern scientists have
proven to be very beneficial to our health.
On the shelves of shops, you can find many beautiful-looking
jars or tins of honey. Try to stay away from those beautiful jars that are
decorated to tempt you. These beautiful jars often contain not real, pure raw
honey, but processed honey mixed with lots of sugar or corn syrup. This does
more harm than good.
The best honey to buy
Buy raw honey from a local beekeeper or at local farmers'
markets. Raw honey, especially sidr honey, actually desensitizes you to
pollen spores because it contains pollen spores. This can prevent the symptoms
of hay fever that cause many people so much suffering.
If you buy honey in a shop, you should pay attention to the
labels. It is best not to buy something that says it has been mixed with other
Real sidr honey also contains propolis, which is the
most natural antibiotic you can find.
Farmers who produce organic raw honey can only label and
sell their honey if it has not been exposed to any contaminants, such as
pesticides, which are believed to be the main cause of the death of our bees.
Is Sidr honey good for you?
This honey contains many more antioxidants than some fruits
and vegetables, as well as all the vitamins and minerals, including water, that
we need to sustain life. Eating raw honey also stimulates the production of B
lymphocytes and T lymphocytes, which is very good for you.
Sidr honey contains all the important antioxidants that we need in our daily diet; it is great for helping to eliminate free radicals that are harmful to our health.
Good sidr honey also contains the enzymes that help to
digest food properly. It plays a huge role in the proper functioning of our
immune system and is very helpful for people suffering from conditions such as
irritable bowel syndrome, and arthritis and can also help with weight loss.
Honey is also good for your skin, it's great for healing and
strengthening the skin by treating skin infections, protecting and moisturizing
the skin, and making it soft and supple.
Try it on burns and scalds for fast and effective healing.
Honey is probably one of the most underrated acne remedies.
Is Sidr honey useful as a remedy?
Hippocrates treated many of his patients with honey. He
devoted much of his life to curing sick children. They literally thrived on the
nourishing honey he gave them. He is the author of the Hippocratic Oath, not to
mention his ignorance of sidr honey.
It's worth noting that researchers at the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem have shown that drinking two to three ounces of medicinal honey a
day can cure even the most severe stomach ulcers.
Honey can actually prevent the development of a stomach
ulcer and is a great cure once it has developed. Stomach ulcers are not caused
by stress as you might think but by bad bacteria! It is enough to consume two
to five teaspoons of good sidr honey a day.
It can treat most bacterial diseases as it can absorb and kill
all the bad bacteria but leave the good bacteria alone.
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