Simple Way to Prepare Ultimate Sherbet Badam &What are key benefits

In most parts of Pakistan, summer is dry and oppressively hot. Temperatures can reach nearly 48 degrees Fahrenheit, which makes the heat painful and uncomfortable. A nutritious refreshing drink that not only quenches thirst but also refreshes the spirit is essential on hot days like today.

The Almond Sharbat, also known as Sherbet Badam, is one of these drinks. It is a highly popular drink in Pakistan, enjoyed by both young and old.

This energizing drink is made with crushed almonds, saffron, and crushed green cardamom, as well as sugar and water. Its popularity originates from the fact that it has the ability to instantly chill you down.

Ingredients of Sherbet Badaam

There is no doubt that almond drink is considered delicious and easy to prepare. Take a deep peek at the components that make badam sherbet possible.

·         Almonds (120 g) (soaked overnight and peeled)

·         Green cardamom 8 (ground, cooked in water, and grated)

·         The essence of almond 1 tsp

·         Sugar 3 and a half cup

·         2 cups of water

·         kewda essence 1 tbs

·         1/8 tsp potassium meta bi-sulphatic (potassium salt of bisulfate anion)

How to Make Sherbet Badaam

Blend the almonds with a little water (enough to make blending easier) until they form a fine paste. Strain through a fine sieve or muslin cloth, then combine and strain again, adding extra water to the leftover almonds. If necessary, add water to get the liquid up to 2 cups.

Dissolve the sugar in the filtered almond juice over low heat. Raise the heat to high and bring the mixture to a boil, then remove from the heat and set aside to cool. As it cooks, keep scraping off the scum. Cook until a thread appears when a drop of syrup is pushed between two fingers (one-thread consistency).

Combine the cardamom extract and kewda essence in a mixing bowl. Cool after straining through a muslin cloth. When the syrup has cooled, dissolve the potassium in a small amount of it before adding it to the rest. Keep sherbet badaam clean, sealed bottles on hand.

Key Benefits of Sherbet Badam

If you’ve ever wondered why almonds are so popular around the world, it’s probably due to their delectable flavor, which also comes with a slew of health benefits. Let’s look at this nutritional gold mine in more detail.

Improve Your Brain’s Health

Sherbet badaam is a superfood that provides a host of health benefits. It is strong in B complex vitamins like vitamin B1, Thiamine, B3, Niacin, and Folate, vitamin B9, which are all important for brain development, especially in the first two years of life. Manganese, a vital element for brain and nerve function, is also abundant.

Maintain a Healthy Cholesterol Level

Almonds are strong in antioxidant flavonoids, which work in tandem with vitamin E to combat free radicals that cause inflammation. This prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Almonds, as a result, have a strong ability to lower LDL cholesterol. It also aids in the increase of good cholesterol levels.

Beneficial for Heart Health

Of course, almonds are high in MUFAs, which help to improve your overall heart health. Vitamin E, a potent antioxidant, aids in the prevention of plaque formation in the arteries. Walnuts, almonds, pistachios, and pine nuts, in general, are nutritious snacks to keep on hand since they are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Best for Diabetes Management

Sherbet Badam is often regarded as the greatest and most suitable food for diabetics. This is due to almonds’ low glycemic index, which means your blood sugar levels won’t surge as quickly. Almonds are the ideal source of good-quality fats (MUFA) and have a low carbohydrate content.

Of course, almonds are abundant in fiber, which aids digestion and keeps blood sugar levels in check. If magnesium levels are too low, the pancreas will not produce enough insulin to control blood sugar.

Keeps Bones Strong

A handful of almonds provides 24% of your daily magnesium and 35% of your daily manganese needs. Magnesium helps with bone and tooth formation, as well as calcium and potassium metabolism.

Prevents Breast Cancer

In a study, it was discovered that drinking almonds drink, peanuts, and walnuts reduced the risk of breast cancer. So, to gain the benefits of a well-balanced diet, include this beneficial food in your normal diet.

Good for Fitness

Almonds are high in arginine, an essential amino acid that helps to relax blood vessels and allow for smooth blood flow, allowing your muscles to receive more oxygen and minerals. More energy and oxygen for athletes to improve their performance as well as for everyday activities.


One of the many gifts that Allah has bestowed on man is Sherbet Badam. This energizing beverage may cool you down in a matter of minutes. It’s simple to make and tasty to drink. Maintain your health by including this nutritious dish in your everyday diet.



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