An introduction to Islamic books in Urdu

Every Muslim has to learn as much as they can. Islamic education could help people understand Islam the right way. Reading Islamic books in Urdu is an important part of growing up in any culture.

The latest Islamic books, of course, focus on the enlightening parts of Islam. The following ahaadeeth shows how important it is to know things.

Allah will make it easy for him to get to paradise if he walks a path in search of knowledge.” [Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim.)

Truly, the angels bend their wings for the person who wants to learn. ” [Sunan Abu Da ̄wūd]

Lord, fill me with knowledge. ” (Quran, 20:114)

Here are some real books that should be in every home if you want to learn about Islam in a way that will help you in this life and the next.

The Importance of Reading Islamic Books

Islamic books in urdu are valuable, and reading them is a good use of time.  By reading books about Islam, you can learn more about the religion. It lets you look back at Islamic history and learn how Islam’s education helped Muslims change their lives by leading them down the right paths that lead to success Reading Islamic books is one way that we can talk to Allah.

It also makes our hearts clean and makes us better Muslims and people. Books are great for education and training. A good book improves a reader’s mind. It lifts spirits and minds. He’ll learn more. Books improve morality.

Reading habitués not only makes the most of their spare time but also avoids the concerns that may follow them if they do nothing but ruminate. A good book is better than visiting beautiful gardens and sites.

3 best Islamic books in Urdu to help you get closer to God

Every Muslim must seek Tazkiyah and Allah’s nearness. Islamic spirituality books build iman and faith. I’ve chosen some good Islamic books in Urdu to increase your iman and offer you power.

The list below includes books that help purify souls, restore hope, and revitalize hearts. Cheers 

1-   Tafsir Ibn Khateer

The most famous and widely accepted explanation of the Qur’an in the whole world is Ibn Katheer’s Tafsir. It has the best way to explain Ahadith, history, and scholarly commentary. All of the authentic statements were spoken by the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) are written in Arabic with diacritics.

Tafseer ibn Kathir is hard, but someone who wants to learn can start with it. To get the most out of the tafsir, you must first understand how it was put together.

Also, it’s important to know that Hafiz ibn Kathir included both strong and weak narrations in his tafsir so that the reader could tell the difference. However, for a newbie, this may be too much to take in at once.

I would suggest Tafhim al Quran by Maulana Maududi if you want to learn about the basic ideas in the Quran, and Maarif al Quran by Mufti Muhammad Shafi if you want to learn about the rules that come from the ayat 

02  – Fiqhul Hadees

Fiqhul Hadees is the best guideline for the Islamic way of life. This is one of the best Islamic books in Urdu and a translation of Imam Shawkani’s most famous book, “Al-Durar Al-Bahiyyah.”

This is a work of fiqh that is unique in that it gives the dominant speech on different fiqh issues without following any particular Madhhab.

This one-of-a-kind piece of writing answers many of the questions Muslims have about fiqh and gives them accurate answers.

03- Tefseer Ahsanul Bayan

This is the Tafseer of the Glorious Qur’an, which is short but gives a full explanation of what the verses mean.  It is based on the thoughts, beliefs, creed, and perceptions of the Salaf Saliheen, and it is a humble attempt to understand the Qur’an in light of the authentic sayings of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the wisdom of the Sahabah (May Allah be pleased with them all).

Alhamdulillah! I read this Tafseer, and it really does change your life. It also helps a beginner like me understand the Quran by putting it in its proper context. It also piqued my interest in reading more of the Tafseer that are available. May Allah bless the people who wrote the chain and everyone who helped make it.


Islam is a complete way to live, and we can talk to Allah by reading Islamic books. It also makes us better Muslims and people by making our hearts clean. If you want to learn more about Islam and how to live a good life based on what the latest Islamic books teach, you should look for Islamic books in Urdu.



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